The Lord of the Rings Sword by the Franklin Mint
Greg Hildebrandt designed this sword for the Franklin Mint. It is designed in the style of a generic medieval sword and represents Glamdring. I do not recall that Glamdring was described in detail and I must admit that my image of it comes from depictions by various illustrators. This is an attractive, colorful sword with highlites in 24 karat gold. The hilt is pewter. 39in length. It is mounted on a display board. I have always appreciated the high quality materials and craft of the Franklin Mint. Since I live nearby, I have taken the factory tour. It is a first-class operation. The mint makes everything from foreign coinage to porcelain figurines. They also made a set of four dolls based on characters from the Lord of the Rings. This sword reflects great attention to quality materials and craftwork. However, it is really not a museum replica type sword. The materials are wrong for an actual fighting sword. I cannot imagine a sword hilt and guards made from pewter, an extremely soft metal. Of course, pewter is easy to cast and that is why it was used. This sword is an attractive decorative item. If you are interested in replica-type swords and armour, try Museum Replicas.

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