2006 |
ShireRadio is launched! This is a radio station devoted to music inspired by Tolkien's work. Click here: ShireRadio

Rene van Rossenberg opens a "brick and mortar" Tolkien store in Holland.

Check Tolkienshop.com. He also plans to open a museum. |
Bilbo Bear Discovered!
This is presumably the stuffed bear that is the origin of the name Bilbo (Baggins). Bilbo and Bingo were the names of two stuffed bear toys owned by Tolkiens children. Bilbo became the hero of the Hobbit. In the early drafts of the Hobbit sequel, The Lord of the Rings, the Frodo character was originally named Bingo. This toy bear was acquired on Ebay. The name Bilbo is printed on his bottom. Click here to search Ebay. |
| |
Jan 20-22 |
One Ring Celebration (ORC) Pasadena Convention Center. Contact creation.com |
March 3-4 |
CS Lewis and the Inklings Society John Brown University, Siloam Springs AR. |
March 23 |
The Lord of the Rings Musical, Toronto, Canada. Closes Sept 3. |
March 25 |
Tolkien Reading Day, North East Tolkien Society, Frodo's Restaurant, 472 Bedford Rd Pleasantville, NY 10570. Contact Jessica Burke. |
April 7-9 |
University of Vermont Tolkien Conference. Contact Christopher Vaccaro |
April 8 |
The Tolkien Society Annual General Meeting & Dinner. The King's School. Canterbury, England. |
April 21-23 |
Third Deutsch Tolkien Gesellschaft, University of Mainz, Germany, The History of Middle-Earth. Contact Thomas Fornet-Ponse. |
April 21-23 |
Middle Earth Festival. Vacaville CA. Numerous activities with themes from Tolkien's works. Click: ME Festival. |
May 13-14 |
Tolkien Week-end. Sarehole Mill, England: Tolkiensociety. |
May 20-23 |
Tolkien-inspired Art Exhibit. for info: adcbooks. |
June 1-4 |
CS Lewis & Friends. Taylor University, Upland IN. For info: CSLewis Conference. |
June 4-Aug 28 |
The Lord of the Rings Motion Picture Trilogy: The Exhibition, Natural History Museum, Houston TX. |
June 9-11 |
5th Lustrum, 50th Anniversary of the publication of The Lord of the Rings in Dutch, Dutch Tolkien Society. |
July 1-4 |
The Gathering of the Fellowship, Toronto, Canada, |
July 10-13 |
Leeds International Medieval Congress, University of Leeds, Leeds UK. JRR Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings. Sponsored by the Tolkien Society. |
July 22 |
Tolkien Society Seminar . Assembly House, Norwich England. Politics in Middle Earth. Call for papers deadline April 30. |
August 4-5 |
Mythcon 37, University of Oklahoma, Norman OK, Contact Janet Brennan Croft through the Mythopoeic Society. |
August 18-20 |
Finncon 2006 Helsinki Finland. |
August 21-25 |
Oxford Tolkien Conference. Exeter College, Oxford England. |
Sept 7 |
The Lord of the Rings: From Fiction to Film, a lecture by Prof. Mike Foster, Peoria Illinois. Contact mafoster@directway.com |
Sept 15-17 |
Oxonmoot. Contact the TolkienSociety. |
Sept 21 |
Lord of the Rings Symphony, Howard Shore at the Hollywood Bowl. Check The Hollywood Bowl Schedule. |
Sept 26 |
Public Lecture by Eduardo Segura. Marquette University, public must register. email Matt Blessing. |
Sept 28-Oct1 |
EstelCon. Murcia, Spain. Spanish Tolkien Society Annual Event. Contact the Umbar Smial . |
October 22-23 |
Lord of the Rings Scholarship in Honor of Richard Blackwelder. Marquette University, Contact Matt Blessing. |
October 23 |
Beyond Bree Banquet. John Hawks Pub. 110 E. Wisconsin Ave, Milwaukee WI. near Marquette University. To be held in conjunction with the event above. Contact Nancy Martsch |