Royal Doulton Galadriel-Prototype
The prototype figure of Galdriel. The regular production figure was made differently than this version. This company is famous for its series of finely made porcelain figures. They have produced a vast number of figures, depicting characters from history and literature. The Royal Doulton collectors are a very well-established group and it is not unusual for a collector to have hundreds of figures. Unfortunately, these collectors place a high value on the Middle Earth series and will compete with the Tolkien collectors for these figures. The series includes Frodo, Bilbo, Samwise, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Boromir, Gollum, Galadriel, Barliman Butterbur, and Tom Bombadil. They were all modeled after the Bakshi movie figures and were distributed in 1978, at approximately the same time as the movie. Of course, Tom Bombadil was not in the movie. He wears a top hat (who in Middle-earth makes top hats?) and appears to have been modeled after a depiction created by the Hildebrandt brothers.

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