JRR Tolkien Artist and Illustrator
by Christina Scull and Wayne Hammond. As I recall from the Biography, Tolkien was taught and encouraged to draw and paint by his mother. During his era, a cultured person was expected to maintain a life-long interest in some artistic endeavor. His was drawing and painting. His artwork largely expressed the perilous realm of Middle-earth. He obviously depicted realistic imagery, albeit textured by a style of illustration. As such, it genuinely stands in comparison to the work of many professional illustrators who have attempted to depict Middle-earth. His strengths are landscape and design work. Who can forget Bilbo Comes to the Huts of the Raft Elves, or his book cover designs, such the ring insignia or the one of a great, green dragon (green, great dragon?). This book reviews the devlopment of his skill and talent, from boyhood sketches to watercolor paintings. This is a wonderful, high-quality book that presents virtually all of Tolkiens artwork. Great commentary and analysis by the authors. Of course Wayne Hammond is the author of the definitive bibliography of Tolkliens works. Christina Scull is the editor of the Tolkien Collector, among many other Tolkien-related activities.
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