2000 Tolkien Calendar - HarperCollins
HarperCollins. Tolkien Calendar 2000. ISBN: 0-06-107579-5 Artwork by Ted Nasmith. This calendar contains some great images. Ted Nasmith is best when landscape is emphasized. He has great problems with the human form. The figures are very stiff and even the depictions of extreme emotion are characatured. He also paints in a style that produces very sharp imagery. I believe this comes from painting as an architectural renderer in which the images are always sharp and accurate. Nothing in his paintings is out of focus and there is little depth of field in the paintings. However, natural perception is characterized by color shifts and blurring when object move outside our depth of field. This style gives the images a harsh, unnatural tone. All this negative stuff aside, there are three great images in the calendar, The Incoming Sea at the Rainbow Cleft, Earendil Searches Tirion and Luthien Escapes the Treehouse. Each of these emphasizes landscape and worked to bring me into the perilous realm.
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