1999 Tolkien Calendar - HarperCollins
HarperCollins. Tolkien Calendar 1999. ISBN: 0-06-105591-3. Artwork by Alan Lee. This calendar includes a number of images that were all previously published in a special edition of The Hobbit. Alan Lee has a very interesting style and works in a watercolor medium. It is difficult to crticize anyone who has mastered watercolor and I have great respect for Alan Lee's painting. However, the imagery he created for some of the Tolkien characters grates on my sensibilities. In particular, the Orcs are cartoon-like. Many have unnatural hooked noses and distorted ears. They remind me of the diminuitive goblins and fairies that were strongly criticized by Tolkien in On Fairy Stories. It is certainly difficult to depict a goblin and Alan Lee has done it reasonably well in other calendars. His depiction of the dwarves is excellent. I also like the landscape of the Carrock and Smaug's attack on the mountainside.
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