1998 Tolkien Calendar - HarperCollins
1998. HarperCollins. J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar 1998. ISBN: 0-06-757487-4. Artwork by Cor Blok, Lode Claes, Inger Edelfeldt, Fletcher, Stephen Hickman, Timothy Idle, Capucine Mazille, Luca Michelucci, Carol Emery Phenix, Ron Ploeg and Gerd Renshof. This calendar includes a number of images that were all previously published in Realms of Tolkien, a collection of illustrations published by HarperCollins. It appears they took a selection of images from the book and designed the calendar with them. These images are uninspired, they are either cartoon-like, show errors in detail or they have technical problems of composition, color and so on.
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