1997 Tolkien Calendar - HarperCollins
HarperCollins. J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar 1997. Artwork by John Howe. This calendar features some of John Howe's best Tolkien work. However, I felt a little cheated by it. Four of the pictures come from maps that John Howe published previously. If you have the maps, you have seen these pictures before in a better format. Secondly, Treebeard was printed upside down!!! There are only 12 pictures in a calendar. A calendar is almost completely made of just these pictures. A production staff that cannot print 12 pictures right side up should be forced to work for a year at the US Government printing office, laying out tax forms by hand. Aside from these problems, this is a great calendar. The depiction of the Oliphant is superb.
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