1996 Tolkien Calendar - HarperCollins
1996. HarperCollins. J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar 1996. Artwork by Ted Nasmith. Once again, Ted Nasmithis at his best when depicting landscape. For example, Across Gorgoroth, is a great image. It reminds me of the best of 19th Century landscape painting. The Attack of the Wraiths and The Fifth Day After Weathertop are good examples of his weaknesses in human figure drawing. I noticed in his credits that, among other assignments, he does architectural renderings. That might explain his differential abilities. Most architectural renderings have no people in them. I would be very happy to see a calendar done by Ted Nasmith that is composed ONLY of landscapes. I have a strong feeling he could produce a great calendar of only the landscapes of Middle-earth. After all, fairy is the world first, then the story. He could depict small landscapes, such as a rendering of The Green Dragon, or grand ones, similar to Gorgoroth.
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