1992 Tolkien Calendar - Ballantine
Ballantine. The 1992 J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar. ISBN: 0-345-37320-0. 11.5 x 12. Middle-earth dates. Artwork by Ted Nasmith. Centenary Calendar. Ted Nasmith is an excellent landscape painter. He also has a great appreciation for Tolkien's work and the task of presenting a realistic, internally consistent Middle-earth. His great weakness is the human figure. If you look at the cover, The Anger of the Mountain, every figure is literally putting the same foot forward; as if Gandalf is directing, "Forward march! left, right, left". Likewise in Farewell to Lorien, every figure with a boat paddle is making the exact same motion. How could such a technically competent artist fail to notice such obvious errors in composition? In a similar way, the other human figures in the artwork presented here look odd. The Hobbits are wrinkled old men. There is no subject that has an emotional expression any more complex than a stern scowl. The one picture of great merit that might make up for all the bad ones depicting human forms is The Last Words of Boromir, a very moving image that is the best illustration of the death of Boromir that I can recall. Ted Nasmith is at his best when the landscape is emphasized. Some of the best include An Unexpected Morning Visit and At the Court of the Fountain.
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