1991 Tolkien Calendar - Unwin Paperbacks
Unwin Paperbacks. The Tolkien Calendar 1991. ISBN: 0-04-44067-8. 13 5/8 x 15. Spiral bound with ring for hanging. Artwork by John Howe. John Howe's work is enchanted. That is the highest compliment I can think to use in describing artwork depicting the "The Perilous Realm, and the air that blows in that country". In general, John Howe's work brings the viewer into Middle-earth. I want to see over the next mountain. Where is Gandalf walking with such resolution? Who wins the contest between the Balrog and Glorfindel? All the most memorable illustrations of Tolkien's work are John Howe's. The contenders for the best of all time are in this calendar: Gandalf, Minas Tirith, and Turambar and Glorund. However, just to maintain a critical tone, I have never liked John Howe's depiction of the Nazgul. In addition, The Witch King of Angmar and Morgoth both have the same iron crown and general fashion consultant.
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