1982 Tolkien Calendar - Ballantine
1982. Ballantine. The 1982 J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar. ISBN: 0-345-29374-6. 13 x 12.25in. Middle-earth dates. This calendar contains artwork by Darrell Sweet, one of the best fantasy illustrators working in the modern era. He is responsible for many people buying fantasy books just because the covers are so compelling. After seeing "Lord of the Eagles, you can definitely imagine Gwaihir taking out a few Orcs with a talon swipe. "The Slaying of Glaurung" is also a great image. His depiction of the Ents is very good considering the difficulties illustrating such a combination of tree and human-like being. Unfortunately, Sweet throws in plumed hat too many and everyone appears to be stooping. In addition, the Hobbits are too thin and haggard. Of course, they should be reasonably pudgy and soft-featured.
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