1981 Tolkien Calendar - Tolkien Enterprises - Canada
1981. Tolkien Enterprises-Canada. The 1981 J. R. R. Tolkien Calendar: The Silver Anniversary Edition. This was made to honor the 25th anniverary of the publication of the Lord of the Rings. Noted as an idea by Donald G. Swinburne. ISBN: 0-96960890-15. 13 x 11.25. Middle-earth dates. This calendar features paintings by Paul Rivoche that are derived from the animation artwork of the Bakshi film version of The Lord of the Rings. The back cover indicates they were "masterfully rendered illustrations" from the movie but they are very poor quality illustrations. If the artist had simply traced over the animation cels, he would have done a better job. I don't understand why the original animation cels have not appeared in calendars. Yet, they have appeared in a other print publications, such as The Lord of the Rings Fotonovel, zigsaw puzzles, and even CDROM games. I can only speculate that different people own rights to different parts of the movie and other images that appeared with the film.
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