The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien. Read by Nicol Williamson.
A Demetriou Production, 1974, Argo Record Co. Adapted and produced by Harley Usil. Very attractive boxed set of four LP records. It also contains a short booklet with details of the recording and a short essay on the Tolkien and the Hobbit. One of the first great dramatic readings of the Hobbit. It is unfortunate that LP vinyl records was probably the only medium that could be used for popular distribution of audiorecordings in the 1970's. This probably resulted in the rather severe condensed version presented on this LP set. Nicol Williamson, who later became very popular as Merlin in John Borman's Excaliber and many other movies, does a great job with character voices and the recording has very high production value. THIS SET MUST BE REISSUED ON CD!!!! It is now extremely hard to find and record players may even be harder to come by. There is no doubt that with the popularity of Tolkien and Nicol Williamson that this recording would be very popular (and profitable) when re-issued.

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